Thursday, May 28, 2020

Shandong Gold bid for TMAC Resources

Although below the threshold for automatic review by Investment Canada Act (and a mine that has not lived up to its production expectations), given the recent comments by China after yesterday's Meng court decision, surely this transaction will be scrutinized to the highest degree without the Liberal pandering and pacificism it has for China and China relations. If not, there is a risk, maybe small, of the (state-owned) Chinese gold producer, Shandong Gold, to likely have the ability to run amok and do as it wishes in the remote north with regards to environment, security, (non) employment of Canadians, proximity to Canadian military space, 5G networks/communications and crossing Canadian borders. Ask the Yukon territory if they are pleased with Yukon Gold and its Wolverine mine, acquired by Jinduicheng Canada Resources Corp., a private Chinese company. Despite many issues of operating such a mine/business, the territory is left with a +$25M clean up bill after bankruptcy was declared and Jinduicheng Canada Resources Corp left.

Logical Liberal Heads Must Prevail: Chinese Gold Producer Bidding for TMAC Resources, Allowing Shandong To Run Amok, Unobserved, in Canada's North

Although below the threshold for automatic review, given the recent comments by China after yesterday's Meng court decision, surely this transaction will be scrutinized to a very high degree.  If not, the (state-owned) Chinese gold producer, Shandong Gold, will be able to run amok and do as it wishes in the remote north with regards to enviornment, security, 5G networks/communications and crossing Canadian borders. 

Navdeep Bains FINALLY Has Something To Do - Shandong Gold Bidding for Canada's Most Northerly Gold Producer

According the Canada Investment Act, "...With respect to all investments except those that fall within a prescribed type of business activity as set out in Schedule IV of the Regulations, the Department responsible for the administration of the Act is Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada...".  Wakey wakey Navdeep. @navdeepsbains

Jagmeet Singh: The Invisible Man

The biggest NDP victory to date- 10 days paid sick leave

"...Jagmeet Singh should be deeply ashamed of the squalid little deal he’s done with the Trudeau Liberals to shut down Parliament for another three months.

The New Democratic Party leader appears to have serious problems with good judgment. His early months as leader were notably disappointing as a result of regular stumbles, attributed at the time to inexperience and a degree of naiveté. Thanks to a strong performance on the campaign trail he managed to hold onto his job, but his failure to grasp the shoddiness of the pact proffered by the Liberals suggests he’s learned little from experience.

In return for a flaccid pledge to seek 10 days paid leave for all Canadian workers, Singh agreed to continue giving the Liberals a free hand to run the country without the usual bother of facing Parliament to account for itself before a full house of doubting opposition parties..."

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Liberals' Lack Of Oversight During Covid 19

"...Since April, thanks to a Liberal motion opposed by the Conservatives, but adopted with the support of the New Democratic Party and the Bloc Québécois, the Trudeau government has only had to answer to an all-party special committee on the COVID-19 pandemic

The 30-member committee meets through videoconference twice a week, and one day a week in the House of Commons, with time allotted for opposition members to question ministers – but only on issues related to the pandemic.

What might look like Question Period when the committee holds its meetings in the House of Commons has in fact been a pale imitation of the real thing..."

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Terry Fox: 40th Anniversary of "Marathon of Hope" Lives On

An amazing feat for anyone, nevermind on one leg and the quality of running gear at the time (1980s).  Good to see his memory lives on and these shoes are much sought after, nostalgic items.  @TerryFoxCanada @tfri_research @TerryFoxRun

Covid 19: Governments Urging Lockdown and No Movement, Yet Liberals Still Allow Foreign Flights and Passengers Into Canada

There was never an international travel ban.  The borders were never closed. 

"...While the volume of travellers is down more than 90 per cent on last year in the seven weeks to May 19, there were still 269,501 arrivals at the four Canadian airports open to international travel (Toronto, Montreal, Calgary and Vancouver).

Sixty-three flights landed at Toronto Pearson on Tuesday, including five from the U.S., eight from Europe, three from Shanghai, one from Beijing, three from Hong Kong, one from Ghana, one from Jamaica and one from Ethiopia.

...Who on earth is flying around in these dangerous days? The Canada Border Services Agency is not sharing that information. “Individual and tailored requests are not able to be compiled at this time,” the agency said, when I asked the nationality of passengers..."

Monday, May 18, 2020

Veterans Claims Versus Fraudukent CERB Cliams - What are the Liberals Thinking?

In a world knowing of deliberate fraud on govetnment sponsored prigrams where the Libersl government even told to turn a blind eye to it, veterans are still suffering on the most basic of claims for their nibke efforts in defending our country. 

"....Veterans and their advocates have been calling for Ottawa to automatically approve roughly 44,000 claims that have been sitting in the backlog at Veterans Affairs Canada, a request that the federal government has so far rejected.

Yet many are now questioning why the government is refusing to act following reports federal officials have been told to approve payments through the Canada Emergency Response Benefit even in cases of suspected fraud or abuse..."

Friday, May 15, 2020

Diane Francis Tells It Like It Is: Poll On China

"...Conducted by Angus Reid, the survey showed that 85 per cent of Canadians believe China has not been honest or transparent about the virus and 88 per cent believe that it cannot be trusted on issues of human rights or the rule of law. Further, four out of five say Huawei should be banned, only 11 per cent say future trade efforts should focus on China and a mere 14 per cent have a positive opinion about the country — representing a drop in negative sentiment that the pollsters described as a “free-fall.”..."

Mining Bitcoins Versus Mining Itself: A Simple Explanation

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Elizabeth May False Rebutral as to Why Oilsands Are Not Worth Investing

Yes Lizzy, a supply shock has happened like times in the past (and recovered).  Those times looked very bleak for the industry too.  However; to point the finger of blame as bad economics and bad business as the reason why your quoted foreign producers left is not the full picture and arguably not even a correct answer. There was no mention of the Liberals' chronic negative impacts to that industry that also impacted the exit of your quoted foreign producers from Alberta including their passive aggressive ways of deliberately hindering access for Western oil producers: changing the rules for environmental approvals midway through application for a pipeline; overhauling the environmental review board (again midway through an application); arbitrarily banning certain oil tanker shipping on the west coast yet not the east coast allowing foreign oil down the St Lawrence all day, every day (are the whales, dolphins, seals, fish more resilient on the east coast, they don't need this ban?);  allowing "consultation" by several different parties, including media, to be used as a challenge to the point of abuse; general lack of initiative of having or even building refinery capacity in Canada - unless your name is Irving.  In addition to outright cancelling a pipeline application altogether. Leaving only the Canadians holding the Canada.