Musings, opinions and views on various topics, issues, news and sometimes taking the other side of the argument
Thursday, May 28, 2020
Shandong Gold bid for TMAC Resources
Logical Liberal Heads Must Prevail: Chinese Gold Producer Bidding for TMAC Resources, Allowing Shandong To Run Amok, Unobserved, in Canada's North
Although below the threshold for automatic review, given the recent comments by China after yesterday's Meng court decision, surely this transaction will be scrutinized to a very high degree. If not, the (state-owned) Chinese gold producer, Shandong Gold, will be able to run amok and do as it wishes in the remote north with regards to enviornment, security, 5G networks/communications and crossing Canadian borders.
Navdeep Bains FINALLY Has Something To Do - Shandong Gold Bidding for Canada's Most Northerly Gold Producer
Jagmeet Singh: The Invisible Man
The biggest NDP victory to date- 10 days paid sick leave
"...Jagmeet Singh should be deeply ashamed of the squalid little deal he’s done with the Trudeau Liberals to shut down Parliament for another three months.
The New Democratic Party leader appears to have serious problems with good judgment. His early months as leader were notably disappointing as a result of regular stumbles, attributed at the time to inexperience and a degree of naiveté. Thanks to a strong performance on the campaign trail he managed to hold onto his job, but his failure to grasp the shoddiness of the pact proffered by the Liberals suggests he’s learned little from experience.
In return for a flaccid pledge to seek 10 days paid leave for all Canadian workers, Singh agreed to continue giving the Liberals a free hand to run the country without the usual bother of facing Parliament to account for itself before a full house of doubting opposition parties..."
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Liberals' Lack Of Oversight During Covid 19
Monday, May 25, 2020
Quebec Finally Addresses Immigrant Investor Program
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Terry Fox: 40th Anniversary of "Marathon of Hope" Lives On
Covid 19: Governments Urging Lockdown and No Movement, Yet Liberals Still Allow Foreign Flights and Passengers Into Canada
Monday, May 18, 2020
Veterans Claims Versus Fraudukent CERB Cliams - What are the Liberals Thinking?
"....Veterans and their advocates have been calling for Ottawa to automatically approve roughly 44,000 claims that have been sitting in the backlog at Veterans Affairs Canada, a request that the federal government has so far rejected.
Yet many are now questioning why the government is refusing to act following reports federal officials have been told to approve payments through the Canada Emergency Response Benefit even in cases of suspected fraud or abuse..."
Sunday, May 17, 2020
"Reckoning": China Consulate's Response to Kenney
From the friendly neighborhood Chinese Consulate in Calgary...(as published in the National Post