Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Only in Toronto would illegal residents be celebrated


Friday, August 16, 2024

National Post: How do the Liberals fix skyrocketing immigration? By lowering the entry standards

 How do the Liberals fix skyrocketing immigration? By lowering the entry standards

The government will create a new economic class of permanent residency candidates for people with high school education or less, who would not otherwise have qualified to stay

Is Canada receiving entrants that are the best, brightest, and/or hardest working?

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

The chronic talking out of two sides of his mouth PM: "Don't believe Trudeau when he says he wants to celebrate Canada"


"...This is the same prime minister who less than two weeks ago, in a dour and sombre announcement, said Canadians needed to reflect on the “dark chapter” of slavery in this country. Whereas, in truth, by 1793 Canadians were leading the world in combating the scourge of slavery.

It was also Trudeau who had flags across the country lowered for six months so Canadians could “mourn” the horror of unmarked residential school graves. Three years after the finding of those “anomalies,” no bodies have been unearthed.

And, of course, it’s hard to cheer for the country when the prime minister believes it’s guilty of genocide.

In 2021, Trudeau said “we must first acknowledge the truth” when he accepted a report into missing and murdered Indigenous women that what happened amounted to a “genocide.”

It’s this kind of self-flagellation that leads to young people shouldering a burden of guilt that is not theirs (and not even Canadians’) to carry..."

Bloomberg: Cheap Foreign Labour Soars in Canada as Young Workers Are Left Jobless

 Cheap foreign labour soars in Canada as young workers are left jobless


Monday, August 12, 2024

Jordan Peterson: "...But in the meantime, my fellow citizens, you might consider awakening from your slumber. The Canada of today is not what it was 20 years ago — even 10 — and its new configuration is not one that will bring you the benefits to which you have become accustomed..."


 "...But in the meantime, my fellow citizens, you might consider awakening from your slumber. The Canada of today is not what it was 20 years ago — even 10 — and its new configuration is not one that will bring you the benefits to which you have become accustomed. We now live in a land — not least courtesy of Bill C-16, which I warned you about, to my great peril — where it is potentially illegal to insist that a man is a man and a woman is a woman, or to object to the castration and mutilation of children. We now live in a land where the federal government is essentially in opposition to the economic engine of the land (dependent as we are, for better or worse, on the resource economy). We are poorer than our American cousins. Our real estate costs have spiralled out of control. Our borders are open. Our leader is a juvenile narcissist. Our finances are a mess. And our Charter of Rights is not worth the ink that was spilled in its production...."

Conrad Black: Time for the climate insanity to stop - "We have been racing to destroy our standard of living to avert a crisis that never materialized"

 Article unable to be opened 

More out of control, baseless, ad hoc numbers for Canada's 2023 Immigration Pathway Programs

 More out of control, baseless, ad hoc numbers (2023):

"...However, 48% of all ITAs went to candidates in “other” occupations not listed in the report..."

"...Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) issued 110,266 ITAs over 42 Express Entry draws between January 11 and December 21, 2023. This is a 136% increase over 2022’s 46,539..."


Saturday, August 10, 2024

How Canada's Immigration System is Broken and Overwhelmed When it Comes to Basic Vetting and Basic Security Checks for the Benefit of its Current Canadian Citizens


Thursday, August 8, 2024

As two of the latest terrorist suspects in Canada have been linked to previous terrorist groups, the consequences could have been horrendous for Canada based on the alleged conspiracy of these two to murder as part of a terror plot yet NO ONE at Immigration Refugees, Canadian Citizenship (IRCC) will be named or fired as part of their negligence, carelessness and reckless attitudes that day in approving entry for these two want to be havoc raisers


The consequences could have been horrendous for Canada based on the alleged conspiracy of these two to murder as part of a terror plot yet NO ONE at Immigration Refugees, Canadian Citizenship (IRCC) will be named or fired as part of their negligence, carelessness and reckless attitudes that day in approving entry for these two want to be havoc raisers, taking advantage of the NDPLiberals' overly aggressive and, in some cases, limitless immigration system. How long can the NDPLiberals continue to wipe their hands clean of such events and have their heads in the sand? The checks and balances needed for millions arriving since the pandemic clearly are not there and the NDPLiberals avoid all responsibility of that.

NDPLiberals' soft on crime approach allows you to intentionally bring a knife while on a trail, stab someone and be deemed "not criminally responsible"?


Captain Obvious Miller (Minister of Immigration, Refugees, Canadian Citizenship) Tries to Solve an Uncapped Immigration Issue by Suggesting the Complex Notion of (wait for it...) LIMITS!!!!


 Wow what a breakthrough in thinking! "Captain Obvious" Miller, (Minister of IRCC) is actually paid for saying such things?!?!

"...the department is considering aligning issuance of PGWPs with labour market needs. More specifically, the department would look to manage “access to work permits for students entering occupations in shortage..."

“The era of uncapped programs to come into this country is quickly coming to an end. This is a big shift….” said Miller in the interview.

Monday, August 5, 2024

What do you do when you already have +100 entry programs to Canada (express entry, economic class, temporary foreign, nominees, family reunifications...), out of control immigration and loss of control of your own borders? ADD ANOTHER ENTRY PROGRAM, this time for LOW EDUCATION or NO EDUCATION workers!!!, of course!


 What do you do when you already have +100 entry programs to  Canada (express entry, economic class, temporary foreign, nominees, family reunifications...), out of control immigration and loss of control of your own borders?  ADD ANOTHER ENTRY PROGRAM, this time for LOW EDUCATION or NO EDUCATION workers!!!, of course!

"...TEERS 4 and 5 cover those that need just a high school education, on-the-job training or, in the case of TEER 5, no formal education..."

"...The creation of new permanent resident pathways for TEER 4 and 5 newcomers is another example of how IRCC is shifting toward reducing the number of temporary residents in Canada. Earlier this year, the department announced it is seeking to stabilize these numbers which peaked in 2023 at over 2 million.

The department said that these levels were no longer sustainable for Canada’s economy. According to a statement made at the time by Immigration Minister Marc Miller, Canada has recovered 138% of the jobs lost throughout the COVID-19 pandemic...."