Thursday, June 15, 2017

BANANA and NIMBY Groups: The World Wants Canadian Oil and Gas...If this was the Marijuana Industry, Government Would be Bending Backwards

If any industry in the world (nevermind the controversial marijuana industry) had i) such positive demand and positive supply economics, ii) the word's best practices and standards, iii) the rule of law and lowest political risk for foreign and domestic investors, iv) high barriers to entry and v) was producing such a non-luxury product that fuelled transportation, energy, heating homes, manufacturing and GDP, governments would be bending over backwards to foster that industry.

As an example to measure the standard of "bending over backwards", I would use the provincial Liberals in Ontario of what yoga experts they are in "bending over backwards" to shut down coal fired plants, cancelling contracts, instigating wind energy at all costs (and all tax breaks), approving less-than-cost power agreements with NY and other neighbouring jurisdictions and saddling all Ontarians with bills that are five to eight times larger than what they need to be thanks to unnecessary debt charges and delivery charges on top of the cost of electricity and over a decade of energy gaffes, starting with its previous leader Dalton McGuinty.

But nooooooo, the vocal and persistent leftist BANANA ("Build Absolutely Nothing Anywhere Near Nobody") and NIMBY ("Not In My BackYard") groups have head-locked, if not tricked, the media into siding with the "big, bad, dirty" side of anything not on their approved list and as such whenever someone mentions oil on a news cast, the accompanying image behind the broadcaster is one of shock and horror.

Of course, the answers from the naysayers to this would be "But IF and WHEN there is a spill...we should not have new pipelines and reliance on oil".  Based on this argument, we should not have roads because there are cars that can have accidents and spill their chemicals on the road and burn into the air; we should not have airports, because "what if there was an accident?" like crashing into an urban centre, we should not have railways, because if the train derails that could kill dozens of people or the train's cargo may spill.  LET'S STOP ALL TRANSPORTATION AND GO BACK TO HORSE AND BUGGY BASED ON "WHAT IF THERE WILL BE AN ACCIDENT".

From the article, "...let’s build the safe, clean infrastructure we need to transport products that are essential and in demand. And let’s allow the whole world to benefit from Canadian energy and expertise."  For an unbiased contemplation on this statement, remove "energy"from the sentence, and it is purely the Canadian thing to do.

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