Saturday, October 15, 2016

Justin:Like Father, Like Son

As his first year of his deficit forecasted budget and term has come and gone, I am first of all surprised after after a wild ride to stsrt 2016 the C$ is flat versus a year ago

However more worrisome are the characteristics his Father exhibited that are showing up in him:

1. Deficit spending like a drunken sailor.  Elected on a $10B deficit platform, this has already and quickly ballooned to +$34B.  But it's ok, a group of faceless taxpayers that apparently have no voting preference or say will just pay for that....down the some year ....All thanks to a leader that has reaped the benefits of a privileged upbringing through hard working Canadian taxpayers and never really worked in his life.

2. Alienate the west over a curious energy policy that only caters (and buckles) to the wishes of leftist utopian Canadians.  The Liberals lost many votes for years after Pierre left his mark with Petro Canada (for those in their 40s  and above may remember "Pierre Elliott Trudeau Rips Off (PETRO) Canada"). The seats Justin has picked up in sweeping Atlantic Canada and Alberta's surprise swing to the left with the NDP may not be there come next election time.

3. Liaising and keeping company with rogue countries and leaders. Pierre liked to have friends that flew in the face of the US and the western world's leadership at the time, such as Fidel Castro. The Liberals' current strategy is not to combat the Russians for sovereignty in the Arctic work with them? And how can we forget Justin comments on China well before he started campaigning. 
All that's left is i) for him to piss off the US by muttering to the current or upcoming President a bleeped name and ii) perform some childish manoeuvre behind the Queen's back. Justin still has another three years to do it. 

(Although I still hope for pulling the rabbit out of a hat as his Father delivered one of the most important Canadian institutions of Bilingualism and a Constitution)

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