Monday, January 25, 2021

How We May Know How Many Are Actually Living in Canada: The Answer Is Vaccinations

As the federal government increases the number of "immigrants" to +400,000 annually (which includes permanent residents, international students, work visas, spousal reunions, parents and grand parents reunifications...anything but  new citizenships) and preaches that our economic recovery will rely on this, we are never told just how many are living in Canada - Canadian or not.  

There is  number around 36 million proud and happy passport holders (how many are Canadian beyond just paying taxes is unknown, how many are dual citizens is unknown) of which say almost 1% are living abroad in HongKong alone as ex-Pats. 

However, no one in Canada really knows how many are living in its borders. The federal government will never tell you how many residents are in Canada (whether legally or illegally) in addition to its lucky citizens for political correctness fears of putting the spotlight on that number that Canadians deserve to know.  It is information.  Well, now we may know. 

The rollout of vaccines calls for everyone in Canada to be vaccinated, citizen or not.  And paid for by Canadian taxpayers.  

Yes your vulnerable parents may be in line behind someone that has not paid a dime of tax or been in the country for less than a year. 

With the amount of vaccinations doled out, and making some assumptions for those that will never have one, we can start to calculate and understand the actual population of Canada amd not just its passport holders.

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