Thursday, January 25, 2018

The Curious Timing of Ontario Conservative Leader's Allegations: As the Media Portrays All Such Stories - Guilty Until Proven Innocent

With i) an upcoming election in the summer, ii) the current Premier's approval rating at a record low for any Ontario Premier, and iii) a particular legal spat (suing for libel) between Patrick and The Kathleen stemming from her time in a Sudbury courtroom in September, 2017 actually testifying (well, giving her accounts of events) in a case that involved her other fellow members of the Ontario Liberal Party and Patrick's subsequent comments ("a sitting premier sitting in trial”), is it not a little curious that these allegations have 

(Obviously the media have not learned any lessons from a school girl's hijab cutting fib that made the media's and politicians' day for a short while, but as always the media is treating these allegations as "guilty until proven innocent".)

Regardless, the Ontario Conservative Party, the only force and option against Canadian voter apathy and to stop the nonsense of this gaffe-filled and out of control spending Liberal party, is now leaderless, and the only way for a Kathleen approval rating shot ahead of the election was something as drastic as this happening.  Did she and/or her Liberal cohorts have some hand in all of this? Or passively steer some media or actual alleged victims? We will see if there is a conclusion to the statement of claim filed or it is withdrawn. 

Unfortunately, the Ontario 2018 crystal ball now looks as such: might as well hand the Ontario election over to the Liberals now rather than go through the useless and time-wasting exercises of unnecessary campaigining, nauseating media coverage, meaningless polling updates and water cooler chat (if anyone actually cares about Canadian politics anymore).  Unless there is a colossal, Argonauts type of upset against the Stampeders in last year's Grey Cup, then hello higher taxes, more out of control spending, increased power rates and electricity bills, longer list of "sunshine list members", ever increasing borrowing and deficits.....

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