Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Why Two French Debates and Only One English Debate? Let the Anglos Get Their Knickers in Knots

 As under Trudeau's "Transparent " government, a coalition has been formed for these debates called the Debate Broadcast Group, which includes APTN News, the CBC, CTV and Global News chain as well as Angus Reid.  If you remember Justin ducked out of a debate last election when we had multi debates so would having more than one be any better? 

As such,  and per this monopolistic coalition in cahoots with Trudeau, there is one national debate in French and one national debate in English with varying rules each year to oppose Maxime Bernier from appearing at these forums. 

Now a Québec network, not unlike any network in English Canada (rest of Canada "ROC") invited only the parties with elected Québec seats to a debate meaning only four parties could participate. Any English network could have done the same. Let's say TVO although not nearly as significant in Ontario as TVA to Québec. 

Now we are left with uninformed Anglo Canadians complaining (not just Québec anymore) about the state of politics and Quebec's unfair advantage in the debate series. I recently heard at a lunch this misinformed comment "What's the population of Quebec? There are way more English Canadians and we only get one debate while Québec gets two?". 

Actually,  the answer is Québec had only one debate for Québec, there was a national English debate and a national French debate as last time I checked there are two official languages in Canada both spoken in and outside of Québec. Anyone heard the term Franco-Ontarien or Acadian?

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