Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Liberals and Pipelines: The Two Faced Enviro/Pro Business Dragon Now Looking to Cut Funding for Trans Mountain

 Liberal strategy from Day 1...

1. Set up nearly impossible environmental guidelines targeted only at pipelines; government campaigns against pipelines (through both sides of its mouth)

2. Change those environmental guidelines midway through the process, rendering it even more difficult and cancelling all progress made up to that point 

3. Drive away publicly listed financier and eventual builder of the pipeline as they exit the country in frustration dealing with an illogical government and ever changing approval process in light of court decisions

4. Government realizes the economic benefit missed, thousands of jobs lost, tries to be seen as "pro business" and buys the asset directly so government can build the pipeline (because they are so much better at it?)

5. Government realizes the extra inflated costs of their own environmental doing (see point 1 and 2)

6. Let government waste, mismanagement take over to drive the capital costs needed to properly complete the project MULTIPLES higher (in a world of $400 billion Liberal deficits, it's a drop in the bucket)

6. Government questions total to complete the project (to be seen as austere and prudent?)  and cuts off funding for the very asset they bought, giving billions (with with "b") away to Trans Mountain to initially acquire it and take off their hands

7. Mark Carney, ex Bank of Canada and Bank of England, with Liberal ties so strong he was rumoured to be running for the party and as a Finance Minister, joins Brookfield in an ESG capacity 

8. Prediction: Brookfield Asset Management buys the project FOR A SONG sticking billions of losses to date on the Canadian taxpayer.

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